
The Pharmacotherapy Area-Based Networks (PABN) support health professionals across Victoria to prevent, identify and manage opioid dependence and maximise safe prescribing.

The PABNs offer a wide range of support, including:

  • Direct access to Addiction Medicine Specialists
  • Clinical networks and peer based mentoring
  • Professional development events and accredited training
  • Whole-of-practice staff training
  • e-Newsletters and communications delivering important updates
  • Expert advice regarding best practice and up-to-date medical findings
  • Support for health professionals to navigate the pharmacotherapy system (e.g. permits, MBS items, referral pathways).

Each PABN targets their support and training to meet local needs.

All PABNs collaborate on key issues that have statewide implications. For an overview of our statewide activities, see our Statewide Position Paper.

Your local network

Health professionals, please make contact with your local PABN.

Use the drop down menu under About to select your network page – or use the links:

Find your local PABN.

Enclose multi-word place names in quotes
e.g. “Box Hill”

Pharmacotherapy Area-Based Networks
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